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Holidays can be Difficult.

Another year. Another Mother’s Day.

Seems like every year they get a bit harder.

All my kids are not together, which for me, is the hardest to deal with on a day like today.

To sit around a table with my children and grandchildren, all together, brings tears to my eyes as I’m writing this. Yes, it’s been quite a while.

Although I’ve lived such a full life; had many businesses, built a talent management company in the entertainment business, worked in full-time ministry in a New York church, and now traveling the country to bring hope and restoration to as many as we can touch…

…nothing takes the place of my family…happy and together.

Are there issues?

Of course. When you love hard, and you’re close, there are always little foxes that creep into our lives. But that’s okay. You love through those times and somehow, some way, God makes you even closer in the process.

Then there’s those who have passed on before us.

My mom. What a force to be reckoned with. She was a simple woman, who led a simple life, but managed to be a tornado around everyone… pulling you into her whirlwind with her. I miss her dearly. And days like this, remind me of her and her amazing cooking. I don’t think I know another woman who loved her family more than my mom. She sometimes had strange ways of showing it… but it was there… every minute of every day.

Many of you can relate I’m sure. Something about a mom.

My dad. What a character. Picture me, male, with a heavy Italian accent. Until this day I have a hard time watching myself on videos because I see him…his facial expressions…his loud, booming voice…his funny gestures that kept all of us entertained. He worked two or three jobs for most of his life and had an upholstery business on the side. He became a United States citizen and cherished this country and all it stood for. Every voting season he worked tirelessly at the polls as a Constable to ensure everyone got to vote. He stood for what was right and good and the fight I have, I owe to him.

Yes. Today I miss my dad. If you aren’t with yours, or he has passed on, I know you miss yours as well.

Although there are so many who have passed from this earth, and so many that I miss… aunts, uncles, cousins, friends…

I would be amiss if I didn’t mention my sister, Louise.

One of a kind. My protector. My friend. Loved deeply. Hurt deeply. Loved God more than anyone I have ever known. She was a comedienne. She was a fighter. And she fought the cancer that eventually took her life…way too young.

That void is hard to fill. Thank God, He’s put a few women in my life who are doing a good job of filling that emptiness. I’m sure they know who they are, and I thank Him for them, daily.

So this morning I had thoughts that we all have from time to time… especially on holidays.

Where did the years go? How did I get here?

We all think that. And those thoughts usually begin to creep in as the children leave home. Something about an empty nest stirs memories.

We are here for only a brief moment in eternity. Yes, your spirit lives forever, but our bodies age, daily. And that can be difficult to watch the ravages of time affect how we feel and how we look.

But this is what I’ve come to realize and now fills my spirit…

If we look at each day as a gift… as a potential miracle… as I chance to live to our fullest… we will stop looking back in regret or hopelessness. We will learn to understand, that in every season of life, there are new discoveries, new adventures, and something new to explore and learn.

Memories are there to make you smile, not yearn for yesterday. Living in the past will only cripple today and your future.

Let’s together, live every day as though it could be our last. I love Psalm 90 who addresses that specifically:

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

And an excerpt from Philippians 4:8:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable…think about these things.

We need to renew our minds daily and make sure we take our thoughts captive. The battle is truly in our minds. Let's together, make a vow to remember that every day.

Lastly, I want to take this time to thank all of you for becoming part of my extended family. Our Gathering community has upheld my spirit during difficult times and instances when I just wanted to walk away from all of what we are doing.

Yes, we are all attacked, and we all deal with situations that hurt and wound us. But your thoughts, love, and prayers have brought us through, and we hope and pray that we have done the same for you as well.

My heartfelt desire is that over the coming year, God allows us to meet many more of you…hug you…and love on each other.

So from me to you…whether you are a natural mom, an adopted mom, a spiritual mom, or a dad who has to also be a mom, Happy Mother’s Day.

May you find joy in your day and in those who are around you.

All my love,





Thank you…I shared with many. I watch you on Rumble but with the latest upgrade I haven’t been able to find the one with Juan from a few weeks ago. Interesting???




Thank you so much for being fearless cheerleader for Our Fathers' Kingdom. You have been an inspiration to me and countless others knowing that Abba is going to do something amazing in our country, and around Our Earth. He is pouring out His Spirit and breathing upon His Children to empower, redeem, encourage and annoint us to do His Will and to go above and beyond anything we could dare ask or think. I am so excited to know that I am a part of this Great Revolution that is happening. We were born for such a time as this and we are all a part of Abba Fathers' plan. He knew what He was doing. He …



Oh my goodness Delora, you read my mail. Going through almost every thing you wrote. I blinked and I’m 60. Ooo wee what up with that. I just want you to know how you have blessed me. Did I mention we are from the same hometown? Pittsfield MA. now living in MI and looking forward to the Gathering coming here. I would so love to meet you. Thank You for doing all you and Dennis do ! God Bless my dear friend. Bonnie Black



Sadly, not everyone has the happiest memories to look back on….l thought l was loved and bought up in a loving family, not until l had my own children did my world change forever. I discovered the horror of what betrayal & abuse does to lives you once thought were normal.

I can’t think of a loving mother anymore, because she stood beside my father after he betrayed the trust granted him, with my youngest beautiful daughter.

Thankfully, I live in the U.K., where today isn’t ‘ mother’s day’ , we have it another time of year, so these wonderful sentiments don’t hit so hard for me as l read them….

all l can say is my journey has made…



That was beautifully said. So many of us have those same thoughts and issues with family. But we will continue to pray and love them into Heaven with Gods help! Happy Mother’s Day to you!


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